I love clothes shopping...usually. Retail therapy is truly my therapy of choice. However, pregnancy has changed this. I didn't want to invest in a whole lot of maternity clothes for a few different reasons. And I was able to postpone maternity clothes shopping for quite a few months thanks to my sisters in law, July and Erin, loaning me some of there baby bump wear.
Earlier this month my mom came over and took one look at my makeshift outfit, trying to make non-maternity clothes fit over the baby bump and she gave me the 'Just because its zips doesn't mean it fits' look. She said three of my favorite words, "Let's go shopping."
So we took an afternoon to shop the streets of Woodfield and the mall. Talk about discouraging. There is a MAJOR gap in the over 5'8" and preggers department. I was getting noticeably frustrated with the lack of clothing options when the sales lady brought one more dress for to try. "Here just try this, the hanger doesn't do it justice." At this point in the shopping, after hours of looking, trying on and not succeeding, I wanted to say, "Lady, if that was the last dress on earth that fit me, I still wouldn't wear it." But instead smiled and said, "Mom, I'm done." So ended our first attempt of maternity clothes shopping.
Kyle, expecting a happy, just shopped all day wife to return home was instead met with an unhappy preggers lady. So started the research for a maternity clothes store that would better accommodate my vertical and horizontal needs. Alis!
Belly Dance. My mom and I went to Belly Dace and it was an instantly better experience. Dresses were appropriate lengths and everything. But beggers still can't be choosers. Options in colors and size are still limited but I learned an important lesson and so I pass it along to fellow blog readers. Just go to Belly Dance!