3 years ago(and a few days), I married my best friend. I still feel just as lucky and blessed as I did that day.

To celebrate this union we went to the Monday night football game, Bears vs. Packers. Because nothing says, I love you, like a good team rivalry!!!
Two awesome things about going to Soldier Field pregnant: 1. They have pregnant lady bathrooms! No lines!!! 2. All pregnant ladies are permitted to use the VIP entrance and exit.Rather than get smashed in the regular doorways. Both totally great advantages:)
Kyle wanted to make a little wager before the game. If the Packers won, than baby H would be a Packers fan and the same went for a Bears victory. I wouldn't take the bet. Its still early in the season and I wasn't confident enough in my Bears. BUT THEY DID WIN!!! Oh, how I wish I would've taken the bet.

But fair is fair and we decided that like Simba, Baby H will just be a Beakers fan. Half Bears and Half Packers fan until he or she is old enough to decide for them self.

We had a great time and Kyle is already talking about how excited he is to take his son or daughter to future games!
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