Humans do not have a 9 month gestation period. This is some odd lie that has gone on and on misinforming the public. Here's the deal. Your due date is at 40 weeks which is 10 months. You are not considered full term until you are 37 weeks which is 9 months and one week. And the average first time mother gives birth at 41 weeks (10 months and one week). Even longer...they will let you go as long as 42 weeks before inducing you! This is not 9 months by any means!
So recently when people have asked me how far along I am, and I say 9 months I will often get looks that says, "Whoa! What are you doing out of your house!"
Technically, I'm due November 4th - according to my doctors. I disagree. But that's another blog entry. But with a November 4th due date, Baby H is full term on October 14th. With these dates I have selected the perfect birthday for Baby H - October 19th. Here's why: Anni's bachlorette party is on the 16th (don't want to miss that!)and October 16th is already Simba's birthday. I figure I will need at least the 17th to catch up on sleep. The 18th would be ok but the 19th is a Tuesday and the nurse I like at the hospital where Baby H is entering the world works on Tuesdays. So, I think Baby H should come on Tuesday, October 19th. I've told Baby H this. We'll see how well he or she listens to me!
Hey there lady - let's get a baby pool started!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat about the one from the shower? Or should we do another one? Did you vote on the poll?