My doctors grounded me, as of Oct. 7th. Which means no more flying and staying within a reasonable driving distance from the hospital. Before Oct. 7 we decided to have one last flight/vaca before Baby H arrives, to Carmel. Its hard to imagine that my next flight will be with a baby in tow (and stroller, and car seat and on and on and on...)
It was a great weekend spent with lots of extended family:)And a HUGE thank you to all that made it happen. Especially to my dad and Kay, who opened their home to ALL of us - for several days and multiple meals! And thank you to my fabulous sisters-in-law for all the effort they put towards making the weekend special. And to my brothers for being such good sports and helping with the weekends activities. It isn't often that my parents get all five of their children, 3 daughter in laws, 1 son in law, and five grandchildren in one place. And all for Baby H! The little baby that they haven't even met yet. I can only hope that Baby H realizes how much he or she is already loved.
Thanks also to my aunts, uncles and cousins who also made the trip. And to my very AWESOME 97 year old Grandma for coming and spending the weekend with us.

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