We had an ultrasound on Friday. Baby is running out of room in there! I would share the picture but its not very flattering, rather flattening. Looks like Baby H is looking at us squished up against a glass window! Still cute. Almost looks like Baby H has some Angelina Jolie-like lips in the pictures. And a very defined chin. Where are those features coming from? Or is that just the illusion of the ultrasound picture? Hopefully, we'll know soon.
Baby H is measuring in at a healthy 7lbs 8oz. My doctor doesn't think he or she will gain much more than that before entering the world...soooo then what exactly is the hold up kiddo?
Baby H is also measuring in long. In the 99 percentile for height! (Perhaps a future basketball player?!) And lean. Baby's belly was only in the 22 percentile. No worries though, we'll help to chunk baby up on the outside! Also measuring in with his or her dad's melon head - at the 85 percentile!
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