Having a due date so close to Halloween I had to be prepared. So, I had costumes for Kyle and I and for Simba and Baby H on standby.
I didn't purchase the necessary pieces for ours until the last possible moment on Friday afternoon. If Baby H had arrived before Friday, this purchase would not be needed at all. So Friday came and no Baby H. Kyle and I went as Juno and Bleeker from the movie "Juno"to a Halloween party (Complete with Orange Tic tacs and a blue Big Gulp!). If you haven't seen it before, we highly recommend it! It is a favorite and often quoted in this household, especially during this pregnancy ("I am a sacred vessel! All you have in your stomach is lunch!" "That ain't no etch a sketch" "Honest to blog?" "My eggo is preggo").

If Baby H had arrived by or before Halloween (as I had planned) he/she was going to be a sweetpea and Simba was going to be a carrot. So they could be Peas and Carrots! But maybe next year...And Simba didn't have a backup costume, so he had to repeat last years dinosaur costume. Sorry Simba.
Happy Halloween 2010!

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