It's true. Henry was nameless for a few days. We had three boy names on the list: Henry James, Andrew James and Matthew James. I would be lying if I said he didn't go by one of those three names for at least an hour or two. But Henry James was the name that stuck. It's a family name. Henry after Kyle's paternal grandfather and James after my dad and brother.
Henry spent the first 7 days of his life in the NICU. His diagnosis was "suspected infection". They poked and prodded our lil man looking for every kind of infection under the sun and found nothing. Although it was difficult having our Baby H in the NICU for so long I think there was a guardian angel or two with a bigger plan. (Now, if only this guardian angel would pick up the NICU tab!)
We learned so much from the NICU nurses. Things that would've taken Kyle and I weeks to learn. Things you don't read about in any of those baby books. Everything from diapering tricks to soothing techniques to feeding help. Maybe it was all part of the plan for Kyle and I to get this extra training before taking Henry home?
Henry came home on 11-10 and had his first pediatrician appointment the following Friday. He's perfect. Healthy and happy and such a good baby. And already putting on weight! 8lbs 3oz already!

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