IT'S A BOY!!! Henry James entered the world on November 3rd. Just 2 hours short of his due date. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and is 22 inches long. His length is 90th percentile and his weight is exactly average in the 50 percentile. His head - like his daddy's was 90th percentile (umm...gee thanks Kyle).
My water broke at home (ah? Did my water really just break?) and we got to the hospital around 6pm. Henry came into the world just 4 fast and furious hours later. While it is still fresh in my mind let me say this, anyone that has ever told you that giving birth isn't that bad is lying to you. It is that bad. And to those of you who have gone through the process without an epidural...you are AMAZING. Not to be dramatic, but truly I think without the epidural I might have died. But as every new mommy might tell you, it really was all worth it:)
I couldn't agree more!