Henry finally lost his umbilical cord on day 18 of life. It was a little gross. And despite my mother's advice, I did not keep it.
Before his umbilical cord fell off we had to give Henry sponge baths. He hated them. I have his first "at home" sponge bath on video (with all the other 1st) and he is one unhappy guy. After day 18 with the umbilical cord gone I was able to give his a real bath. Unfortunately, I did not record this one. He LOVED it!
However, based on his first bath experience it is safe to say that Henry does not know how to swim yet. When he started to sink into the water...he just kept sinking. Henry's protective daddy was giving me lip the whole time about putting too much water in the tub. It was a learning experience for all of us. I'm just glad that Henry likes bath time now:)
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