During my near death experience, AKA labor and delivery, I spiked a fever. As if I didn't have enough already going on (unreal contractions, puking my guts out...) I had the chills so bad that my whole body was shaking. ICK! Unfortunately, a fever for mommy meant a fever for Baby H. My doctor explained that the Neonatal intensive care doctors would need to come in and care for Baby H just as a precaution. So my L&D room went from my doctor, nurse and Kyle to the mass chaos of the NICU squad team. Literally, 10 people came storming into the room.
When Baby H entered the world, my doctor said, "It's a boy!" Kyle started jumping up and down (possibly a fist pump or two in there) and said excitedly, "I knew it! I knew it!" We were so happy he was finally here! A few moments with mommy and daddy before he was whisked away to the NICU.
I feel like this experience is my very own war story. And Kyle was an excellent and supportive battle buddy:)
Been there with the puking, but not the fever fortunately. So glad Henry is happy and healthy and HOME!