The Nuk: Henry's first love. It was our go to for any and all fussing. He loved his nuk. It worked like a charm every time. I'm sad to report that he has lost that loving feeling for his nuk. He'll still take it sometimes but only briefly. And sometimes he'll refuse it all together.
In its place, a far less portable and less convenient soother, the baby swing. The baby swing is Henry's new love. Once we've exhausted all the other possibilities, he's hungry, sleepy, needs a diaper change, ect., we put fussing Henry in the baby swing and Hallelujah! He's happy and content and quiet:) Now if only we could put the baby swing in his diaper bag and carry it around with us.
I loved the swing!!! That's where Jack slept for the first 3 months of his life...it was soo sad when it was time to put it in storage because he's too big!! It goes by soo fast!