Henry is one month old! My chunky monkey has already grown so much. He now weighs 10lbs 7oz and is almost 23 inches long. His weight is now in the 70th percentile and his height remains in the 90th percentile. At his one month doctor appointment his doctor commented on what a calm baby he was. I know we are truly lucky to have a little man with such a good temperament. But I don't want to jinx it. I know that at any moment it could all change.
On the day he turned one month I found myself looking at the clock all day and thinking, "what was I doing this time last month..." It's still all very fresh in my mind. I remember how when my water broke, I didn't believe it and had to google it for confirmation. I remember how excited Kyle was on the car ride to the hospital. I remember those first few contraction that Kyle could make me laugh through. And I remember that turning point when the contractions went from laughable to down right crushing. I remember the first moment I saw my baby and the over whelming feeling that came over me and I remember watching Kyle hold our son for the very first time. It was surreal. The whole experience was truly a miracle. Sometimes I look at Henry and think, WOW, I made that. That's my son. And I feel like the most blessed person in the world.
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