I never took the time, nor do I want, to learn how to iron. Whereas, Kyle had four solid years during ROTC (before the wrinkle-free uniforms came out) of perfecting his ironing skills. He constantly teases me about this. But really, if I did do his (or my) ironing, it wouldn't be up to his army standards, so my philosophy has always been...why bother? On my birthday this year my mom decided to take care of my ironing pile, as an added birthday gift to me, and continues to threatened to teach me...no thanks!
On the floors. I don't mind vacuuming and do keep a tighty home but strongly dislike sweeping and moping. Kyle on the other hand doesn't mind these two chores. As long as I allowed them to happen on his schedule, this cleaning system worked for us.
So friends and family...if my clothes are wrinkled or the floors in our home are dirty during the duration of Kyle's tour, you now know why.
Kyle's 24 hour/day, 10 day OPS mission rehearsal exercise is completed. They were strongly praised for a job well done and continue to fine tune the operation before flying out to the big sandbox across the ocean.
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