I needed to get my own military ID for health insurance purposes (and AWESOME discounts) and had to endure the process that is the US ARMY. First, the ID card facility was in a secure building. Which meant I had to be escorted everywhere. Good thing I hadn't had my morning coffee yet...Of course I didn't have the proper paperwork to get said ID. But after I flashed a big bright smile and handed them the phone with my less than patient husband on the other end, we had it all figured out and I left with my shiny new ID card.
Kyle and his proud-to-be an 'Army' Grandma

I'm even starting to learn some of the lingo. Like:
Chow: This is meal time
POA: Power of Attorney
FRG: Family Readiness Group
DEERS: I don't know exactly what the acronym is but know that it is a computerized database of military family members. And that I am in it.
PX: Post exchange. Code for army base shopping and where to get the discounts.
DFAS: Which any good army wife CFO would know:) is the Defense Finance Accounting Service or in other terms, where the paycheck comes from
Soon, The Lifetime original series, "Army Wives" is going to be calling me with authenticity questions:) Ok maybe I'm getting ahead of myself now...
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