Lots of noises. Mostly at night and much more likely to occur when Kyle is not home. I lay down to go to bed and they start- the mystery noises. This has caused me to have some trouble sleeping lately. And last night's storm did not help my situation. I tried the background noise thing. It helped. I used a humidifier but burned out the motor when I accidentally left in on the week I was out of town. I then started the bad habit of going to bed with the ADT panic button in my hand. One of these nights, I am going to roll onto it, setting off the silent alarm and completely FREAK out when the police show up pounding on my door.
This isn't really anything new for me though. When I was in high school, my mom and I called the police over to investigate a mystery noise . We were convinced someone had broken in and were slightly embarrassed when the police officer pated us on the back, gave a smug smile and said, "Don't worry we get these calls from women all the time."
About a year ago, when we first moved in, I remember waking up in the middle of the night from one of these noises. Kyle, being a dutiful husband, went to investigate this noise upon my request. He didn't grab the pepper spray or a baseball bat but a rubber soled shoe. I remember thinking, a shoe? What kind of self-defense aid is a rubber soled shoe? In Kyle's defense he was awaken in the middle of the night by me and was practically sleep walking...That noise, like all the other noises to date, have been nothing more than just that, a noise.
I totally understand! I usually go to sleep with the TV on. Especially if I have to house sit at my parent's house! And John doesn't ever want to stay at my parent's house because there are "too many ghosts there". HAHA