Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brains and much much more

The very first things that attracted me to Kyle was his intelligences. We sat in the same Philosophy lecture all semester long and while I struggled to keep up with the material, Kyle participated in conversations with the professor with a confidence and ease that amazed me.

In an effort to comfort me upon learning about Kyle's mobilization, a wonderful friend of mine reminded me that "If anyone can handle this, Kyle's so smart, he can." Thanks, friend.

When soldiers are called to an overseas deployment they are given a list of affairs to get in order. So many little things that you would never think about have to be attended to. Along with these things, like a copy of his orders, getting me a power of attorney, making sure I have all his passwords, codes and access to everything (this goes back to the CFO stuff, gotta be able to get on to the accounts). Kyle thought above and beyond to make this time apart as easy on me as possible.

A few examples of Kyle's 'make this easy on Kathy' plan include:

ADT: Kyle had our home alarm system hooked up with all the bells and whistles. I even have a portable panic button that sets the home alarm off within a block radius of the main system. He wanted Simba and I to feel safe...Sometimes it feels like Fort Knox. We've set the alarm off several times (I'm sure the neighbors love this.) and even had the fire department over once for a little visit!

AAA: Knowing how much I HATE car maintence, Kyle signed us up for triple A. Triple A is actually a really a neat program with lots of perks.

Signature Stamp: This is great:) Kyle gave me a rubber stamp with his signature on it. This way if there is something that comes up that needs his signature this year its only a quick stamp away!

All and all Kyle's plan is working. I'm learning just how thoughtful/smart of him it was to have come up with all these "extras".


  1. I was trying to make a call on a crowded elevator today and my phone freaked out and got stuck on speaker. I panicked and took the battery out.
