When I arrived Austin greeted me with an excited "Hi Aunt Kathy! Hi Simba! (pause pause) where's Uncle Kyle?" Aunt Kathy is pretty cool but Uncle Kyle...well he's the coolest! I explained as best I could about Kyle's whereabouts. This intangible idea was lost and a few hours later Austin asked if Kyle would be with me next time I came over to his house. We grabbed his globe and explained where Kyle was and where he would be going. "So, Texas is far, far away? Even farther than Nana by the lakes house?" Yes, we explained...even farther than Nana by the lakes house (which is a four hour drive from Austin's house).
That night we had a family skype date. Austin was able to see and talk to Uncle Kyle on the computer. But to a four year old this made absolutely no sense. "So, how did Kyle get in the computer?" we all tried to explain as best we could. Followed by a, "But how did he get there?" I mean really, think about it...how do you explain the w-w-w and video Internet calling to a four year old?
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