In a loud environment you might have noticed a few things about Kyle. He is either leaning into his conversation with his left ear, watching the lips of the person talking, or standing back and just nodding politely. If its the nodding options, you can be sure that Kyle is asking for the play back on the car ride home. "So and so said what about such and such?" Over the years that I have known Kyle, he has had some loss of hearing, especially in his right ear. I blame the Army or maybe a few years B.K. (before Kathy) of loud music or other ear piercing whatnots. Kyle carries some blame too. Protect your ears! Says the nagging wife:)
Kyle had live fire training over the weekend. I reminded him to wear earplugs with which he responded, "Huh? What? What did you say?" HA, HA Kyle...You are sooo funny!
**On a side note a few readers had mentioned some difficulty in commenting. I changed comment settings to hopefully make it easier.**
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