Our 8 week appointment was Kyle's first "girls only" doctor experience. He was noticeable uncomfortable from the moment we walked in. We checked in at the registration desk and Kyle whispers, "Even the receptionist is pregnant!" Like he was the only one in there not pregnant.
When it was our turn to go back to the examination room, Kyle looked even more uncomfortable. They were going to begin with the ultrasound.
**Side note here for all women that may one day have an 8 week ultrasound. And to all men that may one day escort their ladies to this appointment. This ultrasound does not occur on the belly like in the movies. For more details, I would be happy to answer any questions.**
During the non-on top of the belly ultrasound Kyle was shifting his weight from foot to foot and his face was turning red. Poor Kyle didn't know what he was getting himself into. I think the nervousness he was exuding was making even the doctor nervous. But after a few minutes up on the screen came our little person. So little and yet you could still make out the head, belly and limbs. We could even see all four chambers of the heart beating. It was love at first sight. This was the first time I really believed it, there really is a baby in there! Our baby! Above is Baby's first ever picture. Pretty amazing huh?!
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