At just 8 months old Henry was ready for his first haircut. Kyle thought he was ready at 6 months but it took him an additional 2 months to talk me into it. I love his hair and wasn't ready to see any of it hit the floor but it was time.
We went to Snippets. A place just for kiddos to get new dos. Henry selected (more me and Kyle) an airplane to have his first haircut in. He loved it. He played with the steering wheel and Kyle taught him to make airplane noises while we waited. The kid before Henry, was hating his first haircut - thrusting tantrum and all. I told Kyle that if Henry was doing that that he did not need a haircut that badly and we would bail. Fortunately, Henry was total fine. He was a little apprehensive about the clippers but was easily distracted and did a great job! We got the "Baby's 1st haircut" Package, which included a DVD of the whole thing. And the best part about the whole experience...it was FREE! We waited 15mins past our appointment time - which was totally fine because Henry just played, but apparently that equals a free haircut. Kyle was very happy about this!
After the haircut and errands...it had been a long Saturday. We all took a family nap. While looking at Henry next to me with his styling new haircut, Kyle on the other side of him and Simba at my feet, I had two thoughts: 1. I am very blessed and 2. We need a bigger bed!