Henry's seven month of life was full of many more firsts including his first graduation ceremony. His cousin Jill graduated from 8th grade and although Henry tried to stay awake to see his cousin walk across the stage he was asleep in the church pew before the first graduate walked!
Henry also attended his first kids birthday party. Ava's 7th! And circus themed! He had so much fun with all the kids, not really participating in the activities (still too little) but watching and laughing. Kyle even tried to put him on the slip in slide - I think it might have been a little too cold for Henry's liking! He slept really well that night!
On June 25, 2011, family and friends gathered together for Henry James' baptism. He did great! He didn't even cry when the priest poured holy water on him - I almost did though:) Dressed in a 65+ old family heirloom for the baptism and changing into his cousin Jacob's tuxedo for the party afterward - Henry was dressed to the nines for his day!
Ending his 7th month of life with one more first. Uncle Mike, Gigi and I took Henry to the Shedd aquarium. Henry LOVED it! Each fish tank and animal exhibit was more exciting than the previous one. He seemed a little unsure of the loud talking sea lion. And the cheers the playing dolphins were getting were a little startling to Henry but everything else was a huge hit!
7 Months old already! REALLY?! When did my baby boy get so big!
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