Back before Henry was Henry and still Baby H is mommy's tummy, Kyle traveled often for work. But once my doctor grounded me from traveling (since baby H would soon be making a debut) I requested Kyle take a little break from traveling as well. After Henry was born Kyle wanted me to let him know when he had the green light to travel again. As in, when did I feel confident enough as a new mommy to do this without him for multiple days at a time. Well, I stretched it out as long as I could but the day finally came and Henry and I were on our own.
Kyle was in California for four days. Henry and I survived it. I have to say though, it is a little scary at night. Each day Kyle skyped with Henry and surprisingly Henry was interactive and interested in skype-ing. We're not really sure how much Henry understood but he liked it and Kyle enjoyed getting to see Henry while he was away too:)
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