With all our bags (the pack n play, the car seat, the stroller, ect., ect.) packed it was time for Henry's first airplane ride. To begin our journey Kyle called the taxi company and ordered a taxi van for all our loot. Yes, we seriously had that much stuff. 20 minutes later up pulls a stretch black limo. They were out of available taxi vans - Henry's first trip to the airport was in style!
Once we got to the airport and through security we were officially those people in the gate area with the baby that you hoped you weren't sitting near!

We boarded our flight without incident and settled in for a long 9 hour flight across the pacific ocean. Thank goodness we were seated by great people who loved Henry. And thank goodness for kind and understanding flight attendants. Overall, Henry did pretty well. I'd say he cried about the same he would in a normal 9 hour span. I was most worried about take off and landing but Henry was unphased. He was asleep before take off and eating during landing never even flinching at the altitude change.
Kyle even had a little fun with Henry's first flight by placing him in the overhead and snapping a picture. So funny Kyle! You better believe people were staring - don't worry the compartment was open the whole time:)
When we arrived in beautiful Maui, the whole 9 hour experience became a distant memory and I was in Hawaii, my favorite place on Earth!

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