At 4 months old Henry is weighing in at 14 pounds and measuring at 27inches long. He's 50% for weight and 96% for height. Henry's doctor was happy with his growth and motor skill progress.
I was dreading this well baby check up because like the two month appointment, he would be getting more shots. When the nurse came in I was having flashbacks to two months ago. However, this round of shots was far less traumatic. Henry did turn bright red in less than a second again but only cried for a few seconds and then was over it. However, unlike his 2 month shots, Henry had a reaction this time. He spiked a fever a few hours after the appointment and it lasted for the next two days. Poor baby. It was sad and you could tell my baby boy was not feeling well. But by the third day he was back to himself again. I'm so not looking forward to his 6 months shots!
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