My husband came home from war and all he brought me was hot socks!
I'm a girl. A girlie girl. Kyle knows this. He married an impractical girlie girl. Not a shocker. So when I went to meet his plane at the airbase I of course wanted to be dressed cute. I torn my closet apart putting together the perfect outfit. Other girlie girls out there know exactly what this is about.
For those of you who are not in the Midwest area, its cold here. Really cold! On the drive up I wore practical and warm boots. But when I got out of the car I changed into less practical but way cute shoes that really completed the outfit. Oh and I didn't wear socks with them. I didn't realize that we would be outside as long as we were...needless to say my little toesy were freezing.
As I had previously mentioned Kyle was one of the last people to get off the plane meaning I was standing in the cold longer than most. One of the first things he said to me after reuniting was, "What shoes are you wearing? Your feet must be freezing!" and me, "Yes, but don't they look cute?" Kyle, "No they look cold!"
Once we got into the warm tent for the welcome home ceremony Kyle reached into his bag and put his extra socks on my cold feet. They were not fashionable and did not go with my outfit at all but they certainly were warm.
Military issued socks, hot in temperature not for fashion!
The northwoods family of Kyle and Kathy are so happy that he is home from war and with his beloved Kathy and all his family. His MOM has lived every day with him on her mind, she is one of our best friends and we saw her torment. Hopefully it helped to be with friends during this time. Best wishes for your future which starts today. Your Sundown friends, Bob and Barbara