Kyle and I received a call that his sister Bree was going to the hospital to have her baby. We were also told that she wasn't having contractions yet so not to rush to the hospital. We slept in the next day (feeling guilty that Bree probably was not sleeping that night) and arrived at the hospital with the rest of Kyle's family. I remember walking into the waiting room and Kyle's dad said, "We're going to be here all night! I just saw her and she's not having that baby anytime soon." So I pulled a deck of cards out of my purse and almost as if cued by Kyle's dad's comment, the proud new father Curt came to waiting room to report that "it was time!" 20 minutes later, Austin Paul was born. Twenty two minutes later, Bree was quite the trooper having all NINE of us in her delivery room! I still tease Kyle's dad about his baby prediction!
Kyle and Austin have a special bond that started that very day. One of the first people to hold Austin, Kyle melted over him instantly. It was really cute. Not only is he Kyle's nephew but Kyle is also his Godfather. Kyle of course loves this title!
Bree and I also laugh about how we bonded that day. Bree feeling a bit queasy from the whole experience "tossed her cookies" shortly after Austin entered the world. I was standing closest to her and caught said "cookies" in a near by garbage can! Good memories!
Happy 5th Birthday, Austin!
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