I knew that becoming Kyle's wife came along with a list of duties. Just as he gained a series of responsibilities when he married me. I thought for the most part I had this list figured out in advance. Nothing to out of the ordinary. Things like keeping Kyle on track with doctor appts. and reminding him of important dates like birthdays, ect. ect....
There is however one duty I did not know came with the title "Wife". No one warned me. Not once was in mentioned in any of our pre-wedding counseling that as Kyle's wife I am to know at all times where every personal item, article of clothing, anything that Kyle owns, is located. Kyle to me: "Kathy, where is that abstract item that I haven't seen or used in five years but need to have it right now and you must know where it is."
More specifically, Kyle wanted a certain pair of his jeans to wear during his leave. I explained to Kyle that I put all of his jeans in the same place in his closet and if they weren't there I didn't know where they were. The jeans were not there and Kyle torn thru his closet and dresser drawers looking for said jeans. He finally gave up and settled on another pair all while blaming me for "losing his favorite jeans!"
Two days before returning overseas Kyle went into his office to say hello and have lunch with co-workers. Before heading to his office he grabbed his briefcase to get his i.d out when low and behold...HIS FAVORITE JEANS...in his briefcase. Hmm...who do you think put them in there?
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