I love weddings. I love watching the people in my life, so happy. And as Clare said at Beth and Sam's wedding, "There is just love in the air!" (ha ha ha...oh Clare!)
One of my favorite parts of weddings is the Anniversary dance. Where they have all the married couples on the dance floor and slowly eliminate them by years married. Until they are left with the final couple, that has been married the longest. I was able to particpiate in this dance with my 1-D cardborad husband last weekend!
I love seeing that couple that has been married for 50 or 60 some years, still happy, still dancing and still in love. I envy what they have, and have high hopes that one day that will be Kyle and I. Still happy, still dancing and still in love after 50,60,70 years.
If I have the opportunity, I like to ask that couple that has been married the longest, what the secret is, or what advice they would give to having a long lasting marriage. Over the years I have heard quite the spectrum of responses. My favorite advice though remains from this cute old couple at a wedding about 3 years ago. She said, "Marriage is not a 50/50 effort. Its two people giving 100 percent all the time." And then the husband chimed in and said, "The real secret to a happy marriage is to have two t.vs."
Haha! Two t.v.s... gotta love it. Such a man thing to say. But probably more true than I would like to believe.