Kyle is not cheap. I would not have married a cheap man. He is, however, fiscally responsible. He is constantly looking for the best deal, the most bang for his buck. Previous to his time in the sandbox this had little direct or immediate effect on me. I was proud of my hubby for planning well for our future. Because God knows I lack the fiscally responsible gene.
I am still sending him his financial magazines,so he can keep up with the latest. Which maybe I should stop doing...Because he reads these articles and it results in me doing the fiscally responsible leg work. UGH! Those little annoying time consuming tasks that he once did and now I appreciate that much more. Be it going to the bank to change our checking account to a "better deal" or calling the phone company to make a change to our plan...
Now, I understand they have these privacy policies in place for our safety blah blah blah...so I go into these places well armed with Kyle's orders, my power of attorney, our marriage license. You name it, I've got it. And yet, some of these costumer service dumb dumbs tell me they will need to speak with both me and my husband for authorization.
I have a new favorite phrase for them. "NO, I would not like to speak with another costumer service representative. Just get me whomever is in charge!!" They say the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Well, I have learned to squeak. Loudly.
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