Kathy Says:
Kyle is not a big dentist fan. This started our dentist dates. We go ever 6 months for our cleanings together. And by going together, I could insure that he actual goes.
Let me be clear in saying that Kyle isn't afraid of the dentist, but has a strong dislike for going. He claims, it's mostly related to the cost he knows he is going to incur. Be it a needed filling or fluoride treatment, even with dental insurance it can get pricey.
Going by myself wasn't a big deal but just another thing that we usually do together that we wouldn't be doing together this year. The other day, Kyle called and told me he WENT TO DENTIST all by himself. WITHOUT his nagging wife dragging him. I was so proud. Who knew? Dental cleanings in Iraq?
Kyle adds two things:
1) I don't mind going to the dentist, and I think dental hygiene is a sound investment. Dental appointments simply weren't enforced or a priority B.K (before Kathy). Just one of the many ways Kathy helps me be a better person.
2) As I was driving to my dental cleaning, in my armored Humvee with my M-4 carbine (that's his gun) I thought, "these are certainly strange times." The cleaning was relaxing, the chair was comfy, there was music, hardly any sand in the clinic, and the place smelled good. I may try and go back again before I leave.
I'm so proud you went to the dentist Kyle! I'll tell my mom (she's my own personal dental hygenist) - i know she'll be proud too!!