I wasn't the cutest baby. At least from the three pictures I've seen of my first 10 years. Being the youngest of 5 equates to having no pictures taken of you. So maybe my parents were a little busy but seriously couldn't someone have grabbed a camera every once in awhile?! Anyway, I wasn't the cutest. For starters I was a healthy 10 pounds 12 ounces when I was born. Seriously a major chunker. My mom likes to point out that I never wore newborn clothes. I was so chunky I went right into the next size of baby clothing. And I have big eyes. Luckily, I have pretty much grown into them but as a baby I had HUGE eyes on a normal (sorta) size face. Not the cutest look. So when I think of Baby H and dream about what he or she may look like I hope that maybe some of my features take a back seat to some of Kyle's. He was a cute kid (and adult!) with these big chubby checks and a normal eye to face size ratio!
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