I started feeling Baby kick around 18 1/2 weeks. I wasn't exactly sure if the fluttering was baby though. I kept telling Kyle, "I think I feel the baby?" Then, a few nights later I ate jalapenos before bed. I felt the baby kick FOR SURE. I kept telling Kyle, "Quick feel!" But he kept missing it. Aunt Anni even got to feel the baby kick before Kyle. Which is slightly embarrassing seeing as though Baby H is SO low, that in order to feel the kicks I need to place your hand waaay below the belt! Finally one night we were lying in bed about to fall asleep and I told Kyle, "Baby is really kicking, wanna try to feel again?" As soon as Kyle placed his hand on my (lower) belly, baby stopped. "Just wait." And then as if on cue Baby H kicked the biggest kicked to date. Right into Kyle's hand. Kyle's response, "Whooooa! Do that again!"
Spicy food seems to illicit a reaction from Baby H every time! Not sure if that means Baby likes spicy food or not...but I sure do!
Spicy food, The Eagles and sprite :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE the big kicks! Granny smith apples with peanut butter work for me ;)