Kyle and I had a skype date. He was at the ever popular Starbucks on base. It is frequented by many of the US soldiers for many reasons but for Kyle he says its the best Wifi he's found. We are chatting it up when I ask him, "What's that on your lap?" response, "my gun." YOU TAKE YOUR GUN INTO STARBUCKS! Yep. Kyle explained that there is really no where he doesn't take it. This started a series of questions. Do you take it to the..and the...Yes, Kathy. Everywhere. It is permitted and encouraged to have on your person at all times.
I can't imagine enjoying my grande soy chai tea latte with multiple loaded guns in my local coffee shop. Thank God, I was born in America.
Kyle and I had this EXACT conversation about 2 years ago... I laughed soo hard when I read this!