Henry started cooing around 5 weeks. And with each week he is cooing more and more. It is SO cute. His favorite word is ahgoo. Luckily, I speak a little baby and ahgoo roughly translates to "Mommy, I love you so so much!". Sometimes among his cooing, Kyle and I swear we've heard a real word or two in there, not just baby talk. The other day we were eating dinner and Henry clear as day said, "Kyle". Kyle and I both looked at each other and said, "Woah, he just said Kyle!". Its possible we have some kind of baby genius on our hands:) Other non-baby words we swear we've heard Henry say, "hi", "I do", "oh" "mom" "help" and "sure". Talking so much at 7 weeks old - the Irish, gift of the gab! He must be my baby:)