Kyle is competitive. This is not an opinion, this is a fact.
In college, he and his roommates would play Mario Kart after class. The yelling and horseplay, from their competitive nature, would get so loud that public safety was called on a regular basis from concerned neighbors.
When we met, Kyle had never played chess. I taught him the rules and once he was comfortable with them, we played. I beat him, three games in a row. He didn't want to play anymore. He then proceeded to read a chess strategy book cover to cover before he would play me again.
Catch Phrase, a favorite game among our circle of friends, is another example of Kyle's competitive nature. When we play, NO ONE wants to sit next to Kyle because of his aggressive "passing" ways.
My family was introduced to Kyle's competitiveness over "Spoons," a regular holiday past time. Watch your fingers!
And now, his competitiveness is well noted among the soldiers he is currently overseas with. The game is, "Pass the Pig." I'm told its something like dice and that you play for points. Kyle keeps getting beat (not losing...)at the last turn, which of course is no good. His reputation for competitiveness has been well established over these pigs.
When I told Kyle I would be Blogging about this particular topic he responded with, "I could probably write it better." Oh my competitive husband!
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