Lynnie and I are walking down the street to go to Clare and Libby's BBQ when all of sudden...A CFO discovery! Four 20 dollar bills just laying there on the sidewalk. There weren't any people around to ask if they drop these bills, so Lynn and I picked them up and $40 richer we both would be!
On my way home from Clare and Libby's fun BBQ, no public transportation for me. Nope! I took my new found cash and cab it home. And then the next day I had a no guilt grande soy chai tea latte from starbucks! The remaining cash stayed in my wallet for additional "extras". And I have to say I smiled every time I spent one of those "sidewalk" dollars:)
See Kyle...Maybe I'm better than we thought at this whole CFO thing?!
Rather than waste the money on expendable consumer spending I would have saved or invested it.