6 months old!!! I love this age. To date - its my favorite:)
For his 6 month check up he measured in just short of 28 inches (90%) and weighing 16 pounds (40%). Henry still had a cough (courtesy of daddy who brought it home from his business trip!) so his shots were scheduled for the week after - And true to form, Henry spiked a fever post shots for the next few days. Ugh! Poor guy.
We had a mini celebration for Henry's 1st half birthday including a sweet potato "cake" with a half a candle:)
Henry is getting so big! He's sitting up on his own (I think it soo cute) and playing independently, which is GRRREAT! He's also babbling non-stop. His favorite words include: Dadadada and guygugyguyguy. Henry is also turning into quite the daddy's boy. He can be crabby with me and then Kyle walks in the door and Henry's instantly laughing and happy...BUT the other day, Kyle was holding Henry and Henry reached for me. And not because he was hungry or hurt but just because he wanted his mommy. Kyle was crushed!
I just want to hit the pause button and keep Henry right here for just a little longer. With each milestone he hits, I celebrate and then am just a pinch sad that he's getting so big so fast.
Happy 1st Half Birthday to my baby boy!