Henry had his two month doctor appointment last week. He's getting so big. He now weighs 12 lbs which is 75 percentile for his age and is 25.5 inches long, which is 98 percentile for height! He's a tall boy! Also at his 2 month checkup was his immunizations. It was so sad! The nurse had me lay him down and hold his hands while she administered the shots. Henry turned BRIGHT red, nearly purple, and SCREAMED! Louder than I have ever heard him scream. I felt like crying right along with him. Kyle watched from the sidelines. He decided he didn't want Henry to associate him with the pain and shots. Instead, he snapped photos of Henry and his purplish hue.
Once the nurse FINALLY finished (her nickname is definitely not speedy), I picked Henry up and cuddled him and he fell asleep almost immediately. Poor guy tuckered himself right out. Luckily, Henry didn't have any reactions to the shots and once he woke up from his nap he was back to himself.
I am definitely not looking forward to his next round of shots, that's for sure.
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