Sometimes thank you just doesn't seem like enough. Kyle and I are both overwhelmed by the love and generosity we felt at our Chicago Baby shower. My sister in law, July, was the hostess and she did a truly amazing job! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING JULY!!! Everything was perfect and more than I could have asked for.
A few of my favorites:
The Professions Book: Guest were able to write what they thought Baby H. would be when he or she grows up. This was so fun to read through. Some people went traditional(Pilot, Teacher, Doctor), others went with a funny response (OBGYN, Children's book Author, Clown School) and others have some pretty high hopes for our little baby (President, Goodwill Ambassador, 4 star Army General)! There were a lot of lawyer responses too! My favorite response though was by our friend, Sarah. She wrote that Baby H will be what ever makes him or her happy and she was certain that whatever that might be, it would make his parents very proud.
The Birthday Cards: July gathered birthday cards for certain years, as baby H grows up and encouraged guests to write message to Baby H in the future. So great! I already put these cards in Baby H's baby book!
The Baby Pool and the "What will Kyle say when Kathy's water breaks" posters are so fun! I was sure to keep both for our baby.
A sincerely thank you to all of you who traveled from far to join us! It was great having you:) A special thanks to Erika for all her hostess help! And to Beth for taking all these pictures from the day. And there are just so many thank yous, the list would just go on and on. Both Kyle and I are so grateful! Thank you for everything. We are lucky and so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends in our life!