Misplaced, mislaid, missing, lost- whatever I may call it- I lose things. A few of the things I misplaced over the last few weeks: Knife, patrol cap (hat), sunglasses, flashlight (x2), legal pad, flash drive. Luckily I was able to locate all of these shortly after misplacing them- except for the patrol cap that I set on top of my Humvee just before I hit the dusty trail, that one’s gone with the wind- literally. In many cases I put things in a new, safe or convenient location so they don’t get misplaced, only to forget the location hours later. It’s a trait that’s annoying and occasionally expensive. Here’s the real problem: as the Battalion’s military intelligence officer, I’m responsible for accounting for and tracking all of the unit’s sensitive items and classified materials- totaling millions of dollars in war fighting equipment and countless classified documents. If my Boss is reading this- don’t worry Sir, we are 100% green and any accountability problems I have with my personal equipment is only because I spend so much time, effort and attention accounting for the unit’s sensitive items. Also, I wrote this Blog from my personal computer during those 6 or 7 non-duty hours.
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