Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fish Bear Goat Disease

About two years ago we learned that Kyle has Gill Barr disease. After talking to several medical professors and doing our own research we discovered that this rare disease alone is really no big deal. When Kyle gets a blood test done his billyrubins (not sure on the spelling?) always come up as elevated. In the medical world this always causes concern until they learn that its just the Gill Barr disease.

Kyle went to have his pre-deployment medical check-up and to my delight he was red flagged after the blood test! Could Kyle possible be un-deployable??? Unfortunately (or fortunately...since its his health and all) he was stamped as healthy enough to deploy.

Kyle and I nicknamed the disease the "Fish Bear Goat disease" so that we could remember the name of it.

Fish = because they have Gills
Bear = because Barr is prenounced like Bear
Goat = as in billy the goat so to remember the billyrubins


  1. Kyle has no trouble rememebering the name of the disea...strike that, condition. It also causes my liver enzymes to be out of whack- whatever.

  2. Are you sure it isn't Gilbert's Disease? And its bilirubin, just so you know! There, I did my medical duty for the day =)
