The time had come to try avocado on Henry again. Our pediatrician thinks avocado is such a good "first" food for babies that he encouraged it. So, we tried again. He took a few bites but clearly was not enjoying it. After five tortuous looking swallows I decided it wasn't worth it and continued on with dinner with other "liked" foods. We went on with our night time routine and about 20 minutes later, just as Henry was lying his sleepy little head on my shoulder, he suddenly popped up and puked all over! ALL over me, all over him, all over the wall...all over everything! I called Kyle in for reinforcements. He says, "It doesn't look so bad." Then he turned on the light and said, "Oh, ya. That's gross. Its everywhere."
We've decided that Henry at minimum must have some kind of food sensitivity to avocado. A texture thing at best or an allergy at worst. Time will tell.
But for now, we'll stick with his favorites. Which include: Peas, Carrots and Pears. And oatmeal! He loves oatmeal.