Naming a whole other person is a HUGE responsibility. Especially someone we haven't met yet. We don't know what Baby H looks like, or any of Baby's personality traits and we are suppose to select a suitable name for him or her?
My brother and sister in law lent us their baby naming book. This began the process. A list of 10 girl names and 10 boy names made our primary list - To sit on our fridge and eventually to be crossed off and dwindled down to the top three girl names and the top three boy names.
Side note: Boy names are waaay harder than girl names. Kyle and I agreed on girl names much faster.
We went back and forth on the "top threes" and have now made the lists even smaller. The first girl name is selected. Done. Agreed on and everything. The girls middle name is down to two candidates and as you can imagine Kyle and I are split down the middle on this one. For the boy name we have it down to two final first names but the middle name is selected and solid. I really think it might come down to a coin toss in the delivery room! And sorry! We aren't ready to share these names just yet...but soon! Only 125 more days until Baby H's due date:)
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