At the five month old mark, while sleep was still not happening, we had new neighbors move in right next door. Ugh! I felt terrible knowing that they could hear Henry wailing at all hours of the night. I wanted to bring over some baked goods with a side of ear plugs to welcome them to the neighborhood. Kyle wasn't sure that was such a good idea. But I did run into the new neighbors on the way into the house one day during the Great Sleep Deprivation of 2011 and did what a wise mother of three told be to do in instances like this. She said whenever your baby does something that embarrasses you (tantrum in public, bites another kiddo, etc.) say, "He must be teething." And people are instantly more understanding:) I think it worked...
Henry had also gone through a recent growth spurt around 5 months so it was time to do a little spring cleaning. Kyle and I packed up all Henry's infant toys, clothing and accessories. As I folded up the bed side bassinet for storage I was a little sad knowing this phase of Henry's life had already passed. It really did go by quickly. But I found comfort in the thought that some day, not any time soon and God willing of course, we will pull these infant items out again for a Henry sibling. Infant Henry was fun while it lasted but on to bigger and better things!